Advantages of our Oval chainrings:

Our Oval chainrings maximize rider efficiency by leveraging your pedal stroke where your power is produced and reducing resistance where your power is least. 

  • Oval rings allow you to climb easier and faster with less fatigue.
  • They offer a consistent power delivery that allows you to maintain an even cadence and a higher output level for longer periods of time.
  • Oval rings provide a smoother feel on your legs during climbing
  • Higher average speeds have also been achieved in various studies. 
  • The power output attained during intermittent maximal sprints in one study was 2.4% - 6.7% greater with non-circular (Oval) chainrings.

Customer Testimonial....

Took out my new 50t oval sharktooth, and 34t oval sharktooth chainrings on a 62 mile ride this weekend. My first ride on them in fact. My initial thoughts were that the pedal stroke felt very smooth and that it felt efficient. As the miles went by, I still felt fresh and did a lot of group leading throughout the ride. I noticed I had to keep backing off in order to keep the speed we wanted, and still was not fatigued. Led my group across the finish line and one As nowhere near as tired as I have on other metric century rides... and this one had more hills! 
So, I was able to climb faster with less fatigue, was able to maintain speed well and even had to hold back, and it just felt smooth. I am very happy with the chainrings and just need to make a few adjustments to my front derailleur for best operation.
Thanks for the help!
Rob in FL